Local and Global Impacts of the War in Ukraine
June 06, 2024
Local and Global Impacts of the War in Ukraine
June 06, 2024
Institute of Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, and the European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine cordially invite you to a Conference held in Prague on 6-7 June, 2024. The conference aims to strengthen the knowledge base on the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine in local and global contexts, to report on how the world is radically changing in response to the war, and to discuss and communicate this enhanced knowledge base to the wider public. Our conference will provide a platform for discussing these findings with Ukrainian scholars studying social transformations directly in Ukraine, Ukrainians living outside of Ukraine, and scholars studying these social, economic, and political issues in other countries, especially in the Czech Republic and other Central and Eastern European countries. The conference in Prague also welcomes academicians from around the globe for a scholarly exploration that promises to provide fresh insights and spark dynamic conversations about urgent issues primarily from the sociological and social anthropological point of view.Discussion questions
- What are the current and future geopolitical threats of the war for the global community?
- What is the purpose behind the war in Ukraine? (What is the war in Ukraine for?)
- How have diasporas from Ukraine impacted the nation itself and the receiving nations?
- What has been the impact of the war on academic agencies?
- What are the new topics and challenges for Ukrainian scholars and scholars of Ukraine?
- What future challenges, such as reconstruction and development, will Ukraine face?
- National minorities in Ukraine and their migration
- Religion and war. How did the Ukrainians' worldview change during the war?
- The work of the law enforcement system of Ukraine during the war. Ukraine's reconstruction after the war and rise of criminality.

The international interdisciplinary conference “Unknown Wars”
July 15, 2022
The international interdisciplinary conference “Unknown Wars”
July 15, 2022
The conference "Unknown Wars" is dedicated to the concept of global threats and phenomena directly bonded to them. The events of recent years have demonstrated that major changes are happening with more frequency. We live in the context of global threats: hybrid wars, epidemics, pandemics, political and economic crises, and military conflicts. On the other hand, global threats set a whole chain of subsequent transformations in motion, and this process does not stop. All this demands entirely new approaches in business/security/production/science and other sectors that satisfy the parameters of our current times. An individual who finds himself in the context of a global threat becomes a consequence of this "unknown war." In such circumstances, the "rules of the game" are unknown, there are no precise forecasts, and the main question becomes "what to do?" However, to find the answer, it is critical to understand what we are in fact dealing with. For this purpose, the European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine organized an international interdisciplinary conference, "Unknown Wars," which will address the problems of global threats on an academic level.Discussion questions
- Current global threats: reasons for their existence and ways to rank/classify them
- Founders of theories for neutralizing/combating global threats
- Crises and emergencies, pandemics, war: what will happen next?
- Political marketing as a permitted criminal phenomenon
- What is going on in the world right now? Prognosis. What will happen next?
- How to endure global transformations and benefit from them
- Game with no rules: how to live in a system where rules and regulations have ceased to be effective?
- Can modern science continue its existence in the same form, or does it need fundamental changes?
- The virtual versus the real: what will prevail during the current war and why?
- What new phenomena are we not yet ready for, but will have to face in a new global setting?

The international interdisciplinary conference "The role of mentality in human life and culture"
November 08, 2021
The international interdisciplinary conference "The role of mentality in human life and culture"
November 08, 2021
The international interdisciplinary conference "The role of mentality in human life and culture" is dedicated to the unique and insufficiently explored phenomenon of mentality. The significance of mentality in human activity and its role in all spheres of individuals' lives, society, and culture is unquestionable. Mentality as a scholarly subject intersects a massive range of disciplines: intercultural studies, philosophy, psychology, history, geography, myth and folklore studies, anthropology, criminology; studies related to business, management, communication, marketing, and other areas. In one way or another, all of them have to confront the manifestations of mentality, which becomes either an obstacle to the solution of a scientific or practical problem or, on the contrary, becomes an additional lens for exploring and understanding a discipline's undertakings and their practical implications. To participate in the International Interdisciplinary Conference "The role of mentality in human life and culture," submit the registration form on the website, and a member of the organizing committee will get in touch with you shortly.Discussion questions
- The concept of "mentality." Where should studies of mentality begin?
- How the phenomenon of "mentality" and the distortion of history are related?
- How does mentality influence social standing?
- "Mentality" and "fate": how are they related and why
- Faith as the direction of one's aspirations
- The criminal environment as the basis for the formation of the mentality of criminals.
- The influence of cities on human aspirations: "symbol of the family" or "symbol of the city."
- Mythologem (myths, stories, narratives) as the basis of human mental activity
- The existence of human consciousness. Its structure and environment. How human consciousness interacts with the outside world.
- The scale/scope of personality and stages of personality evolution (development)
- Interdependence of the personality development level and the mentality of a person

International Interdisciplinary Conference "Real Life and Real Economics"
May 15, 2021
International Interdisciplinary Conference "Real Life and Real Economics"
May 15, 2021
The conference "Real Life and Real Economics" will be held on 15-20 May, live broadcasted on our media partner "Granite of Science" (https://www.facebook.com/granit.nayki) publication’s Facebook page at 21:00 EEST/14:00 EDT. Conference brings together scientists and researchers from more than seven disciplines, practicing businessmen, economists, journalists, as well as specialized experts from different fields. Understanding the fundamentals of the economy can provide answers about the knowledge and skills necessary not only for surviving in the market in unpredictable conditions but for achieving the wellbeing of many, a process which is not spontaneous but mastered.Discussion questions
- History of business, technological history of our civilization, contradictions, distortions and invented stories
- Origins of business consultants and the security field
- Where we are at? Who controls the rate of change in industries?
- What is the mystery of the scientific origins of economics and business?
- Examples of contradictions in the history of business and technological history
- What is the formula of a business? (Which sciences compose it?)
- Modern science and pre-modern science. Why are scholars of the XVI-XIX centuries no less inferior but in many ways superior to modern scholars? How do we explain this?

Sketch a subculture
February 22, 2021
Sketch a subculture
February 22, 2021
Interdisciplinary conference "Sketch a Subculture" is dedicated to understanding what is a subculture, types of them, how they shape personalities, their structure and ideas that continue the existence of a subculture among other issues. Every phenomenon continuously has a set of indispensable traits that allow it to be distinguished from the rest. What are these attributions, characteristics, signs or parameters in subcultures? These and many other questions require innovative approaches and an unbiased dialogue in an understandable scientific language. We invite leading experts, scientists, researchers, practitioners, journalists, photographers, and thinkers ready to support the discussion in the pursuit of truth and scientific patterns of human and social development!Discussion questions
- Problems of choosing a research path in studying a subculture
- Plan of researching a subculture: from the idea to the completion of the research, from mythological and religious to scientific and philosophical worldviews
- From mythologemes to ideas as foundational elements of subculture formation
- Approaches for studying the hierarchy of subcultures
- Ways to explore the attributes and symbols of subcultures
- Can we consider a subculture as a machine that shapes a personality?